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【台東地圖】七里坡_柒麵.柒飯|Seven Red Quinoa Rice and Noodles...

【台東地圖】七里坡_柒麵.柒飯|Seven Red Quinoa Rice and Noodles

七里坡_柒麵.柒飯|Seven Red Quinoa Rice and Noodles

時間 / Time:11:00~21:00(每周三休息) / 11:00~21:00(close on Wednesday)
地址 / ADD:台東市中正路203號 / No.203, Zhongzheng Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County 950, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
電話 / TEL:089-325777

美食類型 / Food type:
.午餐、晚餐、餐廳 / lunch、dinner、restaurant
.紅藜飯、紅藜麵 / red quinoa rice、red quinoa noodles
消費金額(新台幣) / Price(NTD):$50~340

※The above information is for reference only. The amount of consumption and items should be based on the actual situation of the store/shop.

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